Columbia Greens is a multi-residential property located in Houston, Texas, housing over 230 residential units. The property is composed of one, two and three bedroom suites, and includes an abundance of community amenities and nearby activities. Before partnering with QMC and implementing our Truety system, this property suffered from a shocking amount of leaks, and abnormally high tenant usage. With the help of the experienced team at QMC, Columbia Greens was able to reduce their monthly water consumption from 31,000 gallons to 18,000 gallons.
Our hot and cold indoor wireless water meters were installed in each unit to accurately track individual tenant usage. Each meter utilizes LoRaWAN wireless communication and are composed of a brass body manufactured in Switzerland. All meters communicate wirelessly to the Truety platform, allowing for easy viewing for both tenants and property managers.
The property manager at Columbia Greens, Joe Guajardo, has taken an active role in educating tenants on their utility usage, this has lead to a reduction in non-revenue water usage.
The Truety system began detecting leaks as soon as the system was deployed at Columbia Greens. We identified and isolated over 170 leaks within the property immediately, with some severe leaks wasting thousands of gallons of water per month. Any unidentified leaks can and will impact net operating income, and should be addressed quickly. The Truety Portal alerted Columbia Greens of the leaks in question, and Mr.Guajardo was able to proactively address the leaks through work orders to have the leaks repaired. QMC's Truety has continued to notify Columbia Green of potential new leaks, reducing water waste as well as lost revenue.
Leaks in multi-family residential properties can and will occur, but deploying a smart water metering solution like Truety enables a proactive and measured approach. Watch our 2-minute video testimonial below on how Truety enabled Columbia Greens, a multi-family residential property in Texas, reduce their non-revenue water sources and improve their NOI.